Supporting early-career researchers

We are proud to have partnered with the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) to support their Travel Fellowships and Travel Grants.


Explore the world of research

Travel Fellowships offer up to €3,500 for researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country. Travel Grants provide free registration and funding towards travel and accommodation to help researchers attend EACR conferences. 

Visit the EACR website

I think that to travel and visit laboratories of different countries and cultures is the best way to grow as a scientist.

Elisa Paolicchi, Travel Fellowship recipient

Find out if you are eligible

EACR Travel Fellowships

Travel Fellowship offer up to €3,500 for researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country. Find out more about Travel Fellowships and apply through the EACR website.

Discover how to apply

EACR Travel Grants

Travel Grants provide free registration and funding towards travel and accommodation to help researchers who need financial assistance to attend EACR conferences. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.

News & Press

News and press
A new method exploring the links between our microbiome and bowel cancer
A new method exploring the links between our microbiome and bowel cancer
News and press
Exciting new immunotherapy breakthrough
Exciting new immunotherapy breakthrough
News and press
A new drug could become one of the first targeted treatments for triple negative breast cancer
A new drug could become one of the first targeted treatments for triple negative breast cancer