Fundraising advice and inspiration

Fundraising advice
Three ways to stay motivated from Judy Murray

Fundraising is vital when it comes to discovering new cures for cancer, and with 1 in 2 of us being affected by the disease in our lifetime, it’s never been more essential.

Steph running at London Marathon
Fundraising advice
Judy Murray's five top tips for training for a sponsored run

Training for a sponsored run to raise money for charity? Our Curestarter Coach Judy Murray shares her top tips.

Fundraising advice
Judy Murray's five ways to raise money for charity

Interested in fundraising for cancer research? Our Curestarter Coach Judy Murray shares her top five ideas.

Multiple cancers
Raising money for cancer research has always been part of my life

Helen's father ran five London Marathons in aid of charities close to his heart. After losing him to cancer, Helen decided she would follow in her father’s footsteps.

General cancer research
I turned the heartbreaking situation of losing Dad into pedal power

After losing his father to cancer, Forbes decided to take on the epic challenge of the 'toughest amateur cycling race in the world' to start new cures. 

Prostate cancer
Literally taking steps to start new cures!

After both losing people close to them to cancer throughout their lives, Lynne and Tim decided to take on an epic 100km hike to raise much-needed funds.

General cancer research
There’s nothing quite like running a marathon!

Meet Jude, one of our incredible Curestarters taking part in the 2022 London Marathon.

General cancer research
Running miles to reach cancer research milestones

Our Chief Executive, Dr Helen Rippon, shares her thoughts on the connection between the mileage of a marathon and the miles needed to start cures.