Does aspartame cause cancer?

You are almost certain to have heard about aspartame and its possible connection to cancer at some point in your life, and it has been a particularly hot topic of conversation recently. But it can be difficult to know exactly what the facts are, so we asked our experts to provide the answers.

What is aspartame and does it have a link to cancer? 

Aspartame is a sweetener that was discovered in the late 1960s and primarily studied in the 1970s. Commonly used as a sugar substitute, aspartame is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Aspartame was introduced as a low-calorie alternative in 1981 and is now widely used in various food and drink products. In 2023, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), conducted a safety assessment of aspartame.

After this assessment, they decided to label aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans. This classification suggests that there is some evidence linking aspartame to cancer, although it is limited.

It is important to note that the IARC has two more severe categories, namely probably carcinogenic to humans and carcinogenic to humans.

What contains aspartame?

Aspartame is now used so widely that it can be hard to keep track of, so we asked Worldwide Cancer Research's Funding Administrator Laura Perez, who is also a qualified Dietitian, to outline the types of foods and drinks that are known to contain aspartame.

Diet sodas and soft drinks

Many sugar-free or low-calorie beverages, including diet colas, flavoured water, and energy drinks, contain aspartame.

Sugar-free sweets and chewing gum

Aspartame is often used as a sugar substitute in various sugar-free sweets and gum products.

Yogurts and dairy desserts

Some flavoured yogurts and dairy-based desserts may contain aspartame to enhance sweetness without adding extra calories.

Tabletop sweeteners

Aspartame is available in powdered or granulated form as a tabletop sweetener.

Baked goods and desserts

Certain sugar-free or reduced-sugar baked goods, such as cookies, cakes, and puddings, may contain aspartame.

Breakfast cereals

Some cereals marketed as low-sugar or diet-friendly may include aspartame as a sweetening agent.

Ice creams and frozen desserts

Aspartame can be found in certain sugar-free or light ice creams, frozen yogurt, and other frozen treats.

Drink mixes and powdered beverages

Instant drink mixes, powdered fruit drinks, and protein powders sometimes use aspartame to add sweetness.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO),  conducted a safety assessment of aspartame in 2023.

After this assessment, they decided to label aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic to humans." This classification suggests that there is some evidence linking aspartame to cancer, although it is limited.

It is important to note that the IARC has two more severe categories, namely "probably carcinogenic to humans" and "carcinogenic to humans."

Should I be worried about consuming aspartame? 

The report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggests that there is limited evidence linking aspartame to cancer, labelling it as "possibly carcinogenic to humans." However, it's important to note that this classification means the evidence is not strong enough to categorise it as a definite cancer-causing agent.

When it comes to the use of sweeteners it’s essential to evaluate the evidence and consider your individual circumstances to make an informed choice. For example, when consumed in moderation, sweeteners can often act as a "stepping stone" to help people reduce their overall intake of sugar, which carries its own health risks. 

In the future research might reveal more information, but the current evidence does not suggest that you should be overly worried about consuming aspartame in moderation.

Research is vital to help us better understand the key factors that affect our risk of developing cancer. Thanks to research funded by our Curestarters, Dr Tracy O'Mara in Australia discovered 5 key risk factors for endometrial cancer. This discovery could go on to help people at high risk from developing endometrial cancer, and could shed light on new ways to treat patients with the disease.

Should I be worried about consuming aspartame?

The report from the IARC suggests that there is limited evidence linking aspartame to cancer, however, it's important to note that this classification means the evidence is not strong enough to categorise it as a definite cancer-causing agent.

When it comes to the use of sweeteners it’s essential to evaluate the evidence and consider your individual circumstances to make an informed choice. For example, when consumed in moderation, sweeteners can often act as a "stepping stone" to help people reduce their overall intake of sugar, which carries its own health risks. 

In the future research might reveal more information, but the current evidence does not suggest that you should be overly worried about consuming aspartame in moderation. Research is vital to help us better understand the key factors that affect our risk of developing cancer. 

We cannot fund vital research like this without the support of Curestarters like you. Together we can save lives by discovering the next cure for cancer. Will you join us today? 

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