News and press

Holding a megaphone on a yellow background
News and press
Researchers awarded prizes to recognise their science
Researchers awarded prizes to recognise their science
Maria Alcolea Team
News and press
Working together to find new cures for oesophageal cancer
Working together to find new cures for oesophageal cancer
United Kingdom
Seth Coffelt in the lab
News and press
Innovative research looking for new ways to treat pancreatic cancer
Innovative research looking for new ways to treat pancreatic cancer underway
United Kingdom
News and press
Breakthrough in tackling aggressive breast cancer
Breakthrough in tackling aggressive breast cancer
United Kingdom
News and press
New way to group pleural mesothelioma patients could lead to personalised treatments
New way to group pleural mesothelioma patients could lead to personalised treatments
United Kingdom
News and press
A failed Alzheimer's drug could boost effect of radiotherapy on brain tumours
A failed Alzheimer's drug could boost effect of radiotherapy on brain tumours
Ed Tate Headshot
News and press
A new tool to track cancer and unlock its secrets
A new tool to track cancer and unlock its secrets
United Kingdom
Miriam Martini Headshot
News and press
Breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research
Breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research
News and press
Targeting cancer’s energy supply could stop its spread
Targeting cancer’s energy supply could stop its spread