Research projects

Tanya Stoyanova Group Shot

Active USA

Breast cancer

Can we use ‘minibodies’ to detect and treat cancer?

This project hopes to develop a new way to identify and target prostate and breast cancer cells in the body using tiny molecular ‘flags’, called minibodies. 

Researcher: Dr Tanya Stoyanova

Mini but mighty: Using ‘minibodies’ to detect and treat breast and prostate cancer
Bruno Di Stefano and Team

Active USA


Can we find a new treatment for a rare but aggressive blood cancer?

This project is finding out more about a key molecule in the growth of acute myeloid leukaemia to hopefully reveal clues to better, more effective treatments.

Researcher: Dr Bruno Di Stefano

Targeting cancer’s weak spot – a new vulnerability for leukaemia
Inbal Wortzel Headshot

Active USA

Multiple cancers

What makes it easier for some cancers to spread to other organs?

Exploring how ‘messages’ sent from cancer cells to other parts of the body might help cancers to spread and whether new cures could stop this process.

Researcher: Dr Inbal Wortzel

A new way to predict and treat the spread of cancer

Complete USA

Pancreatic cancer

How does pancreatic cancer’s environment help it to grow?

This research team hope to discover clues towards much needed new treatments for pancreatic cancer so that survival rates for patients improve.

Researcher: Dr Edna Cukierman

Getting on cancer's nerves: exploring how the tumour's environment helps it grow

Complete USA

General cancer research

How does a genetic parasite contribute to cancer development?

This project hopes to reveal more about the biology that drives cancer growth to open up new avenues for improving diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Researcher: Dr John LaCava

How a genetic parasite contributes to cancer development

Complete USA

Skin cancer

How do healthy cells turn into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells?

Researchers are hoping to kickstart new ways to prevent SCC or to diagnose SCC patients sooner to make it easier to treat the disease and improve survival rates.

Researcher: Dr Markus Schober

A new way to diagnose and prevent squamous cell carcinoma

Complete USA

Skin cancer

How do some skin cancer cells become resistant to treatment?

This project hopes to discover how skin cancer develops resistance to treatments and find ways to overcome it so that survival rates improve.

Researcher: Dr Bin Zheng

Overcoming drug resistance in skin cancer