Research projects

Complete Spain

Breast cancer

Could opposing cancer treatments actually work well together?

Researchers believe that trying different combinations of treatments has potential to greatly improve the outcome for patients with a wide variety of cancers.

Researcher: Professor Marcos Malumbres

Working together – combining opposing therapies for the greater good

Complete France

General cancer research

How can fruit flies help unravel how cancer starts?

By discovering more about how and why cancer develops this research team hope to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer in the future.

Researcher: Dr Allison Bardin

Using fruit flies to unravel how cancer starts

Complete Belgium

Liver cancer

Can ‘regenerative cancer therapy’ be a new cure for liver cancer?

Liver cancer is very hard to treat but this team hope to better understand whether an exciting new potential treatment could help or patients in the future.

Researcher: Professor Georg Halder

A new ground-breaking approach to bile duct cancer and liver cancer

Complete Germany

Oesophageal cancer

Can we unravel the genetic background of oesophageal cancer?

By comparing oesophageal cancer cells to healthy cells researchers hope to find clues towards much needed new treatments and improve the poor survival rates.

Researcher: Dr Denes Hnisz

Unravelling the genetic background of oesophageal cancer

Complete Israel

Breast cancer

How does breast cancer spreads to the bones and can we stop it?

This project hopes to discover clues towards new cures that would stop breast cancer spreading, which could dramatically improve outcomes for patients.

Researcher: Dr Neta Erez

Understanding how breast cancer spreads to the bones – and how to stop it

Complete Spain


What cellular decisions can lead to leukaemia developing?

This team are aiming to find the very first stages of cancer development so they can identify new targets for cures to help patients with recurring leukaemia.

Researcher: Dr José Luis Sardina

Uncovering the cellular decisions that lead to blood cancer

Complete Spain

Liver cancer

Does liver cancer have a weak spot which could be a new drug target?

This project hopes to address the steep rise in liver cancer cases and the poor survival rates by finding a new target that would kickstart new cures.

Researcher: Professor Raul Mendez

Exploring liver cancer's weak spot as a new target for therapy

Complete USA

Pancreatic cancer

How does pancreatic cancer’s environment help it to grow?

This research team hope to discover clues towards much needed new treatments for pancreatic cancer so that survival rates for patients improve.

Researcher: Dr Edna Cukierman

Getting on cancer's nerves: exploring how the tumour's environment helps it grow

Active Italy

Pancreatic cancer

Can we find and target pancreatic cancer’s Achilles' heel?

Pancreatic cancer is very difficult to treat but this project hopes more patients in the future will be helped by discovering more personalised treatments.  

Researcher: Dr Miriam Martini

Understanding how we could target pancreatic cancer's Achilles' heel