Research projects

Active Belgium


What makes melanoma so good at resisting treatments?

Therapies for melanoma sometimes stop working if treatment resistance develops so by understanding how this happens researchers hope to find new, better, cures. 

Researcher: Dr Pierre Close

Demystifying what makes melanoma so ‘good’ at resisting treatments

Active United Kingdom

Multiple cancers

How can the same molecule both help and hinder cancer?

Lung cancer and breast cancer cells behave very differently so by exploring the unique ways their cells communicate researchers hope to find better cures.

Researcher: Dr Olivier Pardo

Protein paradox: finding out how a family of molecules can both help and hinder cancer

Active United Kingdom

Brain cancer

Could changing the timing of radiotherapy help it work better?

This project hopes to reveal if changing the intervals between radiotherapy doses makes it better at treating one of the most common types of brain tumour.

Researcher: Dr Jamie Dean

Rhythmic radiotherapy: Tackling glioblastoma by changing the interval of treatments

Active Sweden

Multiple cancers

How does ‘tissue stiffening’ affect cancer development?

This project hopes to discover more about the biology of how solid tumours develop to find new ways to prevent, diagnose or treat these cancers.

Researcher: Professor Staffan Stromblad

Understanding how 'tissue stiffening' affects cancer development

Active Spain

Head & neck cancer

How do the cells around tumours help head and neck cancers to spread?

Researchers hope to find new ways to stop cancer by better understanding how the ‘tumour microenvironment’ around cancers impacts their ability to spread. 

Researcher: Professor Leandro Sastre Garzón

Uncovering how the tumour microenvironment can make cancer cells more aggressive

Active Israel

General cancer research

How does one of the most common cancer mutations help cancer spread?

Researchers hope to find new ways predict and stop cancers becoming life-threatening by understanding how a very common cancer mutation helps cancers spread.

Researcher: Dr Tomer Cooks

Exploring how the p53 mutation helps cancers spread

Active United Kingdom

Pancreatic cancer

How do immune cells participate in the spread of pancreatic cancer?

This project hopes to find vital new treatments for pancreatic cancer patients with no current options by better understanding how pancreatic cancers spreads.

Researcher: Professor Seth Coffelt

Understanding how immune cells participate in the spread of pancreatic cancer

Complete Switzerland

General cancer research

Why does combination treatment stop working for some cancer patients?

This project hopes to discover new ways to prevent the development of resistance to cancer treatments which is crucial to stop people dying from cancer. 

Researcher: Professor Lorenza Penengo

Understanding why treatment resistance develops

Active Finland

Kidney cancer

How does kidney cancer develop and how can we stop it?

By studying the mechanisms that drive the growth of kidney cancer researchers are hoping to discover vital new ways to prevent it progressing and spreading.

Researcher: Dr Sakari Vanharanta

Improving our understanding of how to treat kidney cancer