Research projects

Vasiliki Koliaraki Headshot

Active Greece

Bowel cancer

How do bowel cancers hijack healthy cells to help them grow?

This project hopes to reveal vital new ways to stop bowel cancer developing by better understanding how cancer cells and healthy cells interact. 

Researcher: Dr Vasiliki Koliaraki

Understanding how colorectal tumours hijack healthy cells
Tracy O'mara and Team

Complete Australia

Endometrial cancer

Can we predict who is most at risk of developing endometrial cancer?

This project hopes to reveal how obesity and other factors increase the risk of endometrial cancer and to prevent people at risk from developing this disease. 

Researcher: Dr Tracy O'Mara

What’s the risk? Predicting endometrial cancer using genetics and measures of obesity
Leif Schroder in the lab

Active Germany

Breast cancer

Can we create ultra-sensitive MRI that spots cancer sooner?

Researchers are trying to improve ways of spotting cancer that has spread to the lungs to help patients sooner and give them better treatment options.

Researcher: Dr Leif Schröder

Developing ultra-sensitive MRI that spots cancer sooner
Adam Hurlstone Team

Active United Kingdom


Why do some melanoma patients stop responding to therapy?

Researchers hope to find new drug targets that could make immunotherapies more effective, making them a better option for more people with advanced melanoma.

Researcher: Dr Adam Hurlstone

Reversing resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors
Anne Vincent Salomon Headshot

Complete France

Breast cancer

Can AI predict which patients will become resistant to treatment?

Researchers hope to find better, more personalised treatments for breast cancer patients by identifying characteristics that predict how a tumour will behave.

Researcher: Dr Anne Vincent-Salomon

Using AI to predict drug resistance mutations in breast cancer
Carla Lucia Esposito Headshot

Active Italy

Lung cancer

Can ‘nanomedicines’ help deliver drugs straight to lung cancer cells?

In this project researchers are exploring a potentially groundbreaking new way to treat to lung cancer through a non-invasive, inhalable treatment.

Researcher: Dr Carla Lucia Esposito

Developing a new targeted treatment for lung cancer
Rocio Sotillo Team in the lab

Active Germany

Lung cancer

Why do treatments not work for some non-smoking lung cancer patients?

Researchers hope that exploring the effect of specific mutations on the development of lung cancer will pave the way for personalised treatments for patients. 

Researcher: Professor Rocio Sotillo

Understanding why treatments don’t work for some non-smoking lung cancer patients
Jean Christoph Marine Headshot

Active Belgium


Resisting resistance: How do melanoma cells survive therapy?

A big issue when treating cancer is when cells become resistant to therapy so this project hopes to reveal ways to target melanoma before resistance kicks-in. 

Researcher: Professor Jean-Christophe Marine

Resisting resistance: How melanoma cells survive targeted therapy
Ildiko Szabo and Team

Active Italy

Pancreatic cancer

Could a combination of treatments help cure pancreatic cancer?

Researchers hope to find a vital new treatment for pancreatic caner that can get past scar tissue that blocks other therapies reaching this devastating disease.

Researcher: Professor Ildiko Szabo

A new approach to eradicate pancreatic tumours