Join us. Start cancer cures from the USA

Curestarters in the USA have already come together to fund 45 ground-breaking cancer research projects, worth approximately $7.9 million. Donate today and you can help us reach a day when no life is cut short by cancer.

Since 1979, support like yours has funded $270m of bold discovery research around the world, including 46 pioneering projects across the United States. 

But there is still much more to be done. In 2022, there were over 2 million people diagnosed with cancer in the USA alone. We urgently need to fund more game-changing ideas for new ways to stop this devastating disease in its tracks.

Every year we want to be able to fund around 100 of these ideas for potential new cancer cures. Right now, we can only fund between 20 and 30 of them - which means we could be missing out on the next big breakthroughs.

You can help change that. By giving our researchers more time in the lab, you can give families more precious time with their loved ones. Will you become a Curestarter by donating today?

Your donation is processed by Chapel & York US Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law and you can view their privacy policy for information on how they process your personal data. For information about how we use your personal data please view our privacy policy.

Tanya Stoyanova Group Shot

Explore the projects we are currently funding in the USA. 

The brilliant scientists searching for new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat many different types of cancer - including breast cancer, melanoma, and leukaemia. 

Who we are

We are a small charity making a big difference

Worldwide Cancer Research is the only UK charity focusing on funding discovery research into any type of cancer, anywhere in the world. 

Worldwide Cancer Research team member on the street with an umbrella

What we do

Stopping cancer by starting discoveries

We bring forward breakthroughs by funding vital discovery research into any cancer, anywhere in the world.

Dr Ottersbach team working in a lab