Why any cancer?

Cancer is not just one disease. In fact, there are more than 200 distinct types - and all of them need new cures. 


The greatest advances in cancer research often impact on more than one type. 

By encouraging scientists to ask big, visionary questions about any and all cancers, we will uncover new knowledge that will take us closer to a day when nobody has to say goodbye to a loved one too soon. We won't stop until all cancers have cures.

There is still so much we do not know about cancer. 

And while some cancers have seen dramatic improvements in survival rates, others have not. But cutting-edge science can give us hope. 

With the support of our Curestarters, we fund research into any type of cancer - from common cancers such as breast and prostate cancer, to rarer, lesser-known diseases like glioblastoma and synovial sarcoma. 

Each cancer brings a unique set of challenges, and understanding how each cancer develops, grows, and spreads is essential for both patients and scientists.

Because we don't restrict our research to a specific type of cancer, our scientists are able to carry out important work that could lead to new cures for particular cancer types, while also discovering more about the fundamental nature of cancer. 

Dr Ottersbach team working in a lab

Everyone’s life has been touched by cancer. Although we are making significant strides towards improving quality of life and survival rates for cancer patients, there is a long road ahead. Through research, our motivation is to enhance knowledge and contribute to our collective vision to one day live in a world where every type of cancer is curable and manageable.

Professor Sophia Karagiannis
Professor Sophia Karagiannis United Kingdom

There is still so much work to be done. Will you join our united effort to start new cures for all cancers?

Become a Curestarter

  • 5%
    The 10-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer in the UK
  • 19,976,499
    the number of people diagnosed with cancer worldwide in 2022
  • 12%
    The average 10-year survival rate of oesophageal cancer
  • 19%
    Percentage of cancer deaths caused by lung cancer, the most common type globally
  • 50%
    UK cancer survival rate which has doubled since the 70s thanks to research like ours

We know that a better future for cancer patients is possible, and to get there we need to think outside of the box. We must answer the biggest questions we still have about cancer and use that knowledge to uncover new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat it.

Dr Lynn Turner
Dr Lynn Turner Director of Research

Help start cures for all cancers

Become a Curestarter and stand with us, for everyone who is affected by cancer. 

Cutting-edge science gives us hope

What is discovery research?

Worldwide Cancer Research exclusively funds discovery research, the first step in the research journey.

Cancer is a global issue

Why fund cancer research worldwide?

Worldwide Cancer Research funds innovative research anywhere in the world, because we know the best ideas in cancer research can come from anywhere.

A globe on a yellow background