Co-funding opportunities

Working together helps us to advance research quickly and support the best ideas. We are pleased to partner with a number of other cancer research funders and we are keen to work with more. 


Join us to fund even more cutting-edge ideas with potential for impact. 

We are based in the United Kingdom, but we fund research worldwide and into all cancer types. We would love to have a conversation with you to discuss how we can work together to further advance research and support more of the brightest ideas. 

Contact our Research team

Worldwide Cancer Research Co-Funding Partners

Our Curestarter Co-funders

We are delighted to have already partnered with a number of other cancer research funders to fund more pioneering discovery research.

Will you join them? 

The Irish Cancer Society is delighted to co-fund with Worldwide Cancer Research. We have a limited research budget so by working together, we can make our funding go further and importantly start more cancer cures. Worldwide Cancer Research have excellent funding processes, and fund the best ideas around the world, so by working with them we know we will be supporting high-quality, impactful research.

Dr Claire Kilty Head of Research at Irish Cancer Society

Join us and we can:

  • Increase overall spend on discovery research
  • Raise awareness within the research community
  • Reduce the burden on researchers and funders
  • Avoid duplication of research
  • Share insight into the international cancer research landscape
  • Produce joint external communications

Could you help us start more cures?

We would love to co-fund with more partners around the world. Please get in touch today to discuss with our Research team. 

Philanthropy and major donations

Help uncover lifesaving cancer discoveries

Join our growing collective of philanthropists and major donors and help us start the cures of tomorrow, today.

Business partnerships and corporate sponsorship

Become a company of Curestarters today

Show your employees and customers that you care by joining our united effort to start new cures.

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