Research projects

Complete United Kingdom

Lung cancer

Can we deliver immunotherapy to the heart of lung cancer?

Researchers hope to make immunotherapy work better for more lung cancer patients by finding out if they can target therapy more directly at tumours.

Researcher: Professor Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke

Delivering immunotherapy to the heart of lung cancer

Complete Italy

Lung cancer

Can “chemical blockers” prevent the growth of lung cancer?

Researchers hope to improve the poor survival rates for lung cancer by better understanding how these tumours grow and finding new targeted treatments.

Researcher: Dr Simona Polo

Identifying new drugs for the treatment of lung cancer

Complete United Kingdom

Kidney cancer

Will a three-pronged attack help the most severe kidney cancers?

Researchers hope to improve a current treatment by finding new combination drugs that could work alongside it and help it work for as many patients as possible.

Researcher: Professor Hardev Pandha

Three-pronged attack on kidney cancer

Complete Australia


Can we pinpoint a new drug target for aggressive leukaemia?

This project hopes to improve survival rates for a rare but deadly form of leukemia by discovering how these cancer cells stay alive and how to stop them.

Researcher: Professor Suzanne Cory

A potential new drug target for an aggressive form of leukaemia

Complete USA

General cancer research

How does a genetic parasite contribute to cancer development?

This project hopes to reveal more about the biology that drives cancer growth to open up new avenues for improving diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Researcher: Dr John LaCava

How a genetic parasite contributes to cancer development

Complete France

General cancer research

Will a newly discovered way cells repair damage to DNA lead to new ways to treat cancer?

This research team aims to discover exactly how specific genes help to repair damage to DNA in the hope of identifying new ways that cancers could be treated. 

Researcher: Dr Ludovic Deriano

Understanding a newly discovered way cells repair damage to DNA

Complete Spain

Bowel cancer

How does bowel cancer become resistant to treatment?

Treatment can stop working if cancer becomes resistant so this project hopes to better understand this process to find ways for therapies to help more patients.

Researcher: Professor Eduard Batlle

Understanding drug resistance in metastatic bowel cancer

Complete Italy


Can we visualise molecular messengers in chronic leukaemia?

This project aims to discover why some leukaemia patients respond to drugs and others don't, in order to kickstart better treatments for everyone.

Researcher: Dr Massimo Degano

Visualising molecular messengers in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Complete USA

Skin cancer

How do healthy cells turn into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells?

Researchers are hoping to kickstart new ways to prevent SCC or to diagnose SCC patients sooner to make it easier to treat the disease and improve survival rates.

Researcher: Dr Markus Schober

A new way to diagnose and prevent squamous cell carcinoma