Research projects

Complete Italy


Can we help our immune system to recognise and kill leukaemia cells?

This research team want to kickstart new cures for leukaemia since patients often go on to develop the disease again even after successful treatment.

Researcher: Dr Giulia Casorati

Developing targeted immunotherapy for leukaemia

Complete Australia

General cancer research

Can we flick the right switches to prevent cancer progression?

Researchers want to discover new combinations of treatment that could tackle the problem of cancer becoming resistant to therapy and help patient outcomes.

Researcher: Dr Cameron Bracken

Flicking the right switches to prevent cancer progression

Complete Spain

Breast cancer

Can radiotherapy work better against cancers that spread to the brain?

The location of brain cancer makes it particularly hard to treat so this team hope to find ways to improve radiotherapy so it can benefit more patients.

Researcher: Dr Manuel Valiente

Making radiotherapy more effective against cancers that have spread to the brain

Complete USA

Skin cancer

How do some skin cancer cells become resistant to treatment?

This project hopes to discover how skin cancer develops resistance to treatments and find ways to overcome it so that survival rates improve.

Researcher: Dr Bin Zheng

Overcoming drug resistance in skin cancer

Complete Italy


Why are children with Down Syndrome at risk of leukaemia?

Researchers hope to find vital new ways to diagnose and treat leukaemia patients by understanding the link between Down Syndrome and this type of cancer.

Researcher: Dr Andrea Ditadi

Understanding why children with Down Syndrome are at risk of leukaemia

Complete Switzerland

General cancer research

Can we “switch on" immune cells in a tumour or nearby?

This project aims to find a new way to boost the immune system’s fight against cancer so that in the future treatments work better for more patients.

Researcher: Professor Maries van den Broek

A new way to boost the immune system’s fight against cancer

Complete Netherlands

General cancer research

Can we stop cancer cells fixing their damaged DNA?

This project hopes to find a way for DNA damage to build up in cancer cells that would ultimately cause more of these cells to die and treatments work better.  

Researcher: Dr Maria Tresini

Switching off DNA repair in cancer cells

Complete Finland

General cancer research

How do cancer’s access the body’s blood system to help them spread?

Stopping these mechanisms could ultimately lead to a treatment that stops a variety of cancer types from spreading, making them much easier to treat.

Researcher: Dr Pipsa Saharinen

Patching up tumour blood vessels

Complete United Kingdom

Pancreatic cancer

Can we stop pancreatic cancer cells communicating with healthy cells?

By understanding how healthy cells are involved in pancreatic cancer growth this project hopes to find urgent new treatments for one of the deadliest cancers.

Researcher: Dr Angus Cameron

Cutting communication between normal and tumour cells in pancreatic cancer